Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blogtober three

A thought just occured to me while I watched my third tutorial video on Facebook this morning... that art is as relative as anything else in your life.

While I was watching this woman make an abstract painting in watercolors (no, I don't do watercolors but its fun to watch other medium artists do their thang) I realize that the theme of the painting that attracted me to watch in the first place is a definate difference in what she ended up with. (For the record I watched an Oil Painting technique this morning also, but I don't do that either. The third one was a Art Journalling video which I have tried, and basically suck at!)

While I appreciate the techniques and the creative mind she has, and the products she is touting on the video, I asked myself if I would buy that art from a booth.  My answer is no.   I gained appreciation for the piece by simply watching it be made, and if I saw it in a booth without that knowledge, I probably wouldn't value that piece as much.  In other words, it was fun watching it become what it became.  And the video did what she wanted, it taught me a few things.

Once the piece was done, it really didn't appeal to me personally.  I look at this like looking at a catalog of clothes.  Some may be beautiful on other people, but I know its not right for me.  Some may be the right color, or some might be the right size, but I don't have to like them all. Its personal preference like the clothes you wear, the color you paint your walls or any other decision you make.  You have to be COMFORTABLE with it.  Something in that piece has to resonate with you.

I think that art is in the eye of the beholder, and there are as many tastes as there are people.  You should always pick out your own art.  What makes you say "WOW!"  And it doesn't always have to match the sofa. The art you like says a lot about you.  I like to ask myself what I like and don't like about every piece I consider.

For me, I think this blog has given me the determination of  painting over a few canvasses that are less than loved that I have done.  Make something better out of them.  There are more canvasses being done these days than there are walls to hang them on.  So the ultimate purpose of those canvasses, in the long run, are to make ME happy anyway, right?  To express me.

Just my thoughts on a cool, blowy Blogtober morning....

Stay tuned!


  1. This is just right! I've seen a lot of things in art galleries that I really like but wouldn't want on my walls (well, in some cases I don't have a large enough wall for that even to be practical). And I've even had clothes that looked good on me but I never wore because they didn't feel like me. And if the canvas is just sitting around otherwise, why *not* paint over it? :-)

    1. Absolutely! Just because I don't take that art home doesn't mean I don't appreciate it! When I go to an art fair I try to always say something to the artists... just to let them know that I like their stuff. Thanks for reading Rebecca! Always like hearing from you!


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