Saturday, October 24, 2015

Blogtober 24

Its a beautiful Saturday, and the windows are open.  The day started out rainy and windy, (still windy) and on the coolish side of warm.  Sweatshirt weather.  With peek-a-boo sunshine.

I went grocery shopping this morning and when I came home a local 4H group was raking our front yard! Wasn't THAT nice?  They are going around the community doing their community work and they wouldn't take anything but drinks of water but we handed them tootsie roll pops too. 

While we visited with them on the front porch as they raked, we noticed a tulip bulb that I missed.  And then another.  And another.  I KNOW I didn't forget to plant all those.  The kids started looking for them (kinda like an Easter Egg hunt at Halloween!) and found just about all of the 3 dozen or so of the ones I planted the other day on top of the ground and all the empty holes I planted them in.  Something didn't apparently like them planted!

It seems that whatever dug them up wasn't after them.  So that made me think WHY?

As I went to the garage to get my shovel and my kneeler pad and gloves, I almost grabbed the bulb fertilizer bag that I used the first time.  A light bulb went off.  I usually buy regular bone meal, but this bag was different, (not sure why I bought it instead unless it was all they had?)  It said ORGANIC.  (Note to self: bone meal is ORGANIC, so if that is why I bought it, its a moot point!)  So I'm thinking it probably has some food qualities to it, and that was what the animal(s) wanted.

I was sore the day after I put those in.  It hadn't rained in weeks and the ground was hard.  Like I said before, it was raining this morning, and the ground WAS a little softer, if not muddier and messier, but I planted those bulbs ONE MORE TIME!  MINUS the ORGANIC fertilizer.  Hopefully they will now STAY planted.  Guess we won't know til Spring.  But know I am still in for one more sore day again tomorrow. 

In the words of Roseanne Rosanna Danna, its always somethin'!

Stay tuned.

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