Friday, November 15, 2013

Gratitude: Day 15

Today I am experiencing something that some people take for granted, and is newly acquired for me.  A paid day off.  I recently was hired by the company I was a temp for and these days that I get paid for taking off, feel like I am playing hooky!  Before this, if I was off, it was off losing pay, so you didnt take them for nothing.  Had to be very sick or have saved enough money out of the check to take a day trip to decompress, or something.   So, today, while I am using my day off to spit clean the kitchen so that I can host Thanksgiving, I am grateful for being paid to do it.  Hey!  I am being PAID to clean my kitchen today!  THAT has never happened before! 

**Whistle while you work....**

(unsaid in above post... grateful to have the job, grateful that finally hired me and they give me these days off with pay, grateful to have the beautiful kitchen, and grateful to have family coming to gather for the holiday.)

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