Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

I post a lot of grateful things on my page throughout November, but this one is the bestest one I found this year.  Maybe because lately, I feel that there are some people in my life whose actions towards me are a puzzle to me and I hope none of my words and actions encouraged such actions.  On the other hand, if it wasn't me, was it them?  In which case, there is nothing I can do about it.
Someone once told me, that someday all the truth comes out.   You will see why people do the things they do.  Its nice to know that God knows my heart, and I am grateful for that.

This also reminds me to give others a break.  We never know what path other people have to walk, and what they have to carry.  Only God knows what all their burdens are.  Everyone is learning, trying endeavoring to be everything they were created to be.  Give them all a break in this rough world.


Its time to start to open my thoughts to my new years WORD.  Last years word was LIGHTEN.  Lightening the load, like getting rid of half done projects and get them out of the way.  And I think I have done a good job of that.  There is evidence of that in this blog.  I feel good about that and I am going to continue to do that in the new year, as its not just a years worth but an effort put forth through in all aspects of my life.

The ladies that started "the Word" say to open up your mind and thoughts and your word will usually choose you.  You will know it when it comes to you, or you may have to savor it a while to see if it fits, but two years ago, I did a do-over from the year before with "Sunshine" that I liked, but was a desperate attempt to invite more sunshine, and therefore, was more of a forced attempt than a prophetic one.  This year, I start now to open my mind, to listen to what comes to me, to hopefully find what I need to declare for 2016.

Well, my dishes to pass for this Thanksgiving, need to come out of the oven.  I hope anyone reading this today has a joyous healthy Happy Thanksgiving and is grateful for everything that touches their lives.

Stay tuned!

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