Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29th, 2014

For a few years now, I have chosen one little word in the beginning of my New Year, (thanks to my friend Shells who introduced me to it) because it really is more reasonable than a New Years resolution.  I was skeptical at first but I enjoy the simplicity now.  One word. 

(Although, I did make a NY's Rez last year that I would work on the projects I had in the art room for 'someday'.  In this blog, I have tried to put the projects in here to show that I have whittled away at some of those projects.)

The way this WORD thing was put to me is; you open your mind around the end of the year of what you think your New Year needs to have in it, and usually, if you are open to listening to it, the word picks you.  You'll know it when you hear it resonating within you.  You will hear it multiple times. Some people pick words like create, focus, inspire, and relax.  Some use it in their artwork and root it into their world.  Let it challenge you to enhance your life.

As you have read here, a couple blogs back, I told you two years ago I needed SUNSHINE to be in my world.  (I think if you go back a ways, you can even see where I picked that word!)  I also picked it last year, but it didn't feel the same.  I don't think anything was speaking to me, and I may have panicked, and heck, it was a good word for me before.  (The word doesn't have to be picked before the first of the year, but sometime around the first month)

This year, I think my word is going to be LIGHTEN.  I need to lighten up. Lighten my load.  Lighten my worries, and lighten my clutter.  Let go and Let God lighten.  Lighten picked me. 

I know that once a room is clean, there is room for so much more mental clarity.  You know how it feels when you have just spring-cleaned a room?  Yeah, I want to feel that. 

Yes, I need to let more things roll off me. I need to take some armor off and learn to let things go. Lighten Up.  Give it to God to handle.  Take it off my shoulders.

And like half of the worlds population, I need to physically lighten.  I want to make better choices of food and get off my butt and take a walk more often.  Not going to join a gym or buy special food courses to do it, but walk on my lunch hour and just choose healthier foods.  Hopefully that will lighten ME. It is within my power.  Why not?

So there you have it.  I have three days to lighten this house of all the holiday goodies, (tee-hee).

I hope anyone reading this can pick a word of their own.   It really is much easier to abide by in the New Year, although I am not giving up on my rez from last year.  There are still many projects to do here that need doing, and I feel momentum has been good in that way.

I know Shells is inviting some art related One Little Word projects in the DLP 52 journalling group, so if I get inspiration about my New Word, I will post it here.  Stay tuned!

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