Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012

Yes, I think my word is SUNSHINE!  Yes, SUNSHINE is my word for 2013!
Where I live, I don't get enough of it this time of year, and I need more of it.
Sunshine makes me feel good.  Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!
I've got Sunshine on a cloudy day, because YOU are my Sunshine.
Sunshine lollipops and rainbows!
I have been tossing this word around for a week or so, and you can't imagine how many times I have come across the word SUNSHINE this week.  Almost as if the universe was telling me that I needed to use it.
I have a Sunny piece of art going in the art room right now, and I will post it when its done, but for now, I will post one of my past pieces of art that I did on the neighbors barn a few years back.

This took me all of about 2 hours, once the blue was done. The barn has since been torn down, and the blue part was lovingly dismantled, and displayed at our County Fairgrounds for about 3 years.  A friend of mine then displayed it on her barn!  So its been around awhile.
But doesn't that just make you feel good?  It does me! So, my fellow Flyers, Sunshines the word!


  1. Great word Lin, hope you have lots of sunshine in 2013.

  2. Hey there. Hopping over from the word hop. Had to scroll down some to get to it. Since it's winter here, "sunshine" is a great word to focus on now. Nice to meet you!

  3. Thanks Lori. Yeah, it took me a couple tries to make it come here, but it should be ok now. (Thanks again to Shells!) Happy to meet you Lori!

  4. Hi Lin. Love sunshine! it reminds me of throwing my arms wide open to possibilities. Have a happy new year!

  5. Thank you Sofia... I agree! Thank you so much for dropping in!

  6. You're right Lin, not much sunshine this time of year back in our great state; but just thinking about it can bring such joy!

  7. Yes, Carol, as you know, at this time of year, we will take all that we can get! Thanks for coming over to comment!


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