Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Happy February!

So happy to be out of January~ it was the coldest on record, and second on record snowfall.  Our neck of the woods was colder than the North Pole on some of those days.  At least with windchill.  Hopefully the nasty stuff is behind us, regardless that we have 8 inches of the white stuff coming in tomorrow.

ANYWAY, all that stuck in the house stuff has been good for artistic stuff. (AND housecleaning, but I won't bore you with that.)

Pen and inked a covered bridge in Ontario from a photo by Robbyn Thibalt, with her permission:
I loved the colors of this bridge.

I finished the project for my friend... it was one of those projects that was just trouble from the word go, and had to do things over and over again.  I can't show it, because I think she needs to see it first.  I hope she is happy with it, I know I am happy that its done.

The first Bra Art piece is entered for the auction.  The second is still waiting for a frame.  I can't spray paint in the house and its too cold to do it outside at this point.  And it really needs the paint.  So, they extended the deadline til Friday, so we can try to get it painted somehow before then.

I am displaying at the local First Fridays again this Friday.  Hopefully everyone will want to break out from their cabin fever and come downtown to browse.  I have been trying to back some art and get it cellophaned and get em ready to go. Hopefully I can get the above backed and at least matted before then.

Spring is right around the corner, I can tell because I am getting notifications that there are some artsy happenings on the calendar!  Thats hope for the warmer weather!   **Lin goes into a daydream where its warm, and the streetscape has colorful flowers, and there is art displays here and there, and music.  She shakes her head and comes out of the dream**  It WILL happen, won't it?

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I think Blogger ate my comment. I was just saying I tried to remember recently what it's like to be uncomfortably hot, and couldn't! Though that probably happens every year, and the reverse in the summer. Also that I meant to write and say I loved your barn in the previous post - so much detail and depth. Good luck with First Friday and the bra art auction!


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