Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sat. May 4th, 2013

Well, the Birdhouse Auction was last night.  We were able to set up on the sidewalk downtown, in glorious weather, (thank you God!) where people attending the First Fridays event were able to walk by to stop and bid.
We ended up with 49 birdhouses of different tastes, colors, themes - something definitely for everyone!  Some people got some pretty good deals.  Had two bids from long distance.  We met some people, we laughed, sold every last one, and made about $700.00.  That should buy a tool or two for our local Habitat for Humanity!
Tonight I am whipped and allowing myself just to kick back and look at the dust and housework I have neglected lately.  But you know what?  It stayed right there until I could get around to it.  And maybe, while it was waiting, the world is a touch better off than if I said that I didn't have time to do something that might benefit someone.  I am not tooting my own horn,  just wondering why more people don't get out and do something for the things they feel passionate about?  The afterglow of a job done makes a difference!  There is not only a sense of pride to help someone else, but its good therapy too.  It gets your head out of your own little world and at the same time, gives a hand up to someone that could use it. 

I moved our son from one place to another today. so tomorrow is cleaning day at home.  I have about three things running around in my head that are crying to be done in the art room, that DOESN'T require a birdhouse, but I really need to catch up on housework first.  Its driving me crazy. (crazy-er)

So tonight is a glass of wine, a hockey game and baseball game on TV, (flippin back and forth) with my feet up. I'm taking five for myself.

Have a great weekend, all!  Go do something good for the world.

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