I have not thrown pottery much, but decided that the Raku Pottery class that was offered just might spur on some creative mojo with this dry spell I've been having. This week we threw pots on a wheel, (well, I TRIED!) (everyone there were nice and said I did well for the first time... lol) I wouldn't exactly call mine pots. More like bowls. At any rate, they will be fired to bisque this week and we go back next week to glaze and Raku them.Here is how I understand it happening...
We glaze them, then put them in an outside kiln and heat them to some extreme temp, then take them out and put them in newspaper or dry straw in a garbage can and clamp a lid on them, where the extreme heat of the piece alights the dry stuff in the can and starts flames, which gives interesting and uncontrollable colors and glazing.
My friend, Maureen, who has been a potter for 25 years, (and does some awesome stuff) went with me. It's almost just as fun just watching her go! She did some beautiful work. I took pics but either my phone or my computer are not cooperating. Just imagine big tall beautiful pieces, next to some dumpy looking bowls. Thats ok. I am a rookie and I had fun. I can't wait til next week though.
At work, for Mothers Day, we are being asked to pick up these white, non-descript coffee cups, decorate and fill them for voting and to raffle off. I did mine. Not sure I like it, but I participated. I also have a pic of that to show someday too, if'n I ever get technology to smile on this post.
Call it Spring, call it feeling better, but I feel my mojo starting to come out of hibernation.. I think I will go clean the art room to get ready for that day.
Stay tuned.
PS: Finally got my pics to load. Makes the blog MUCH more interesting, dontcha think?