Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016

Yep. I may not need art stuff RIGHT NOW, but I might need it SOMEDAY! Resisting the urge... after all, the whole last year has been spent trying to get RID of things in the artroom to make room to create!

So why did I sign up for an art journal challenge for 2016?  I did it for all of 6 weeks last year, maybe it was I was going to do better this year?  I think I decided about March last year that since I work, and have other things I have to do, that when I get art time, I am going to do what I want to do, not assignments.  I only have so much time to art... why spend it on someone elses idea?

So I responded to someones post on said art challenge that I am already behind.  Some lady posted after me and said "if you have passion for it, you will find the time!"  My knee jerk reaction to that, was not pretty.  (yay me! I restrained myself!)  Then I got to thinking about it, and she is right.  I don't have the passion to art journal.  It is a challenge, but I guess everything I try to paint is a challenge.  So, why do it?  Why, indeed.

So, I have just decided to delete myself off that website. I will do what I want to do, challenge myself with what I have already challenged myself to do and enjoy the passions of my life, which does include more than just art.

Thanks, Lady.  You kinda showed me the door to independence for art my way. 

One sassy artist signing off.... stay tuned!

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