Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday May 24, 2015

Good Beautiful Sunday Morning to you!

May is almost done!  Wowsa.  I still say January never goes this fast!  This is Memorial Day weekend and there is so much I want to cram into this weekend yet!  We accomplished a lot yesterday.  The dog went to the groomer, we went shopping and bought a new weed trimmer, (the last one was 30+ years old!) laundry, some cleaning, we painted the garage, (see previous posts) and went to the first of four graduation parties we are invited to.  (Tis the season)

Today is the opening day of the local farmers market.  I can't wait.  Its part of our Sunday morning ritual from May til October, and I've missed it.  Once home, should probably make the house presentable because we usually have people stop in after the parade.  Its tradition.  The weather calls for rain tomorrow, and I am hoping that doesn't happen.  It can rain Tuesday through Friday if it wants, but keeping a good thought for tomorrow.  Of course, I have no say in the matter.

Here is a few images from my Mothers Day gift... a trip to the Holland Michigan Tulip Festival! It was a rainy day, but it didn't keep the tulips from being beautiful.  Then I was treated to a great lunch, besides!  

These were my favorites!

Fields of colors! 

Then colors in combos!

Bi-colored ones!  I felt like a kid in a candy store! 
I have always loved forget me nots.  Reminds me of my Grandpas garden.  And I guess I forget him not!

 A little bit of artsy whimsy in beautiful Downtown Holland.  How cute!

Stay tuned!  Have a good Holiday and remember those who gave it all.

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