Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6, 2014

Ok, I actually did something artsy-craftsy today.  They were selling these trays for a buck a piece at work.  Either they were seconds or thirds or whatever, but I bought one to see what I could do with it.  Now I want a dozen more! This is why my art room is the way it is, because when I am tired of painting, I pick up something else.

And this stays with my NY's resolution to use up some of the stuff I have in my art room! The beach glass is bought, but not able to be used, (because of size and shape) for the angels I make, so I have accumulated a ton of it.  Glad to be able to use it some how. 

I want to pour a clear resin over it eventually.   Love glass!

And my head has a dozen more ways of doing these!  Stay tuned!

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