Then, I repurposed some materials in my art room and doing a mosaic kind of one... see what you think...
OMG, nothing like posting all the garbage on the table too! I seriously didn't see that before it hit this page.
I don't know if you can see the bluebird with the worm in this pic but its the side shot. I think I am going to get a piece of metal or copper and bend it over the top for the roof. Wish me luck!
Today I also finished the large painting of the Lady in Red that I posted about, what, maybe a MONTH ago?? I won't post that again, but its done as of this morning.
Also, a while back, (maybe 2 years) I bought a bunch of those little 3x3 in canvasses... started a tripich, of sorts, back then, didn't like where it was going, and gave it up. Well, today I finally finished them and did something with them. Again... not sure it is what I was going for, but its done. Does anyone else do that? Start it, leave it, finish it sometime later?
So, the fact that I am in the mood to finally finish some old projects and am FINALLY doing it, but I am not sure if I like them or not, does that mean I am being productive?
If nothing else, I learned that I need to clean off my table before taking pictures, so I guess the day wasn't a total waste!
Now...what to do with the finished stuff....
Love the bird house!