Sunday, January 13, 2013

January 12,2013

Well, I was making a SUNSHINY something to share here but I am not happy with it.  Not at all.  SO, starting over, so my SUNSHINE theme will just have to be a surprise.  But later.

In the meantime, I am cleaning the old art room.  Its way past time to do it, and I find that I need to do it to clear my mind too.  How can I create when I am worried about something falling on me?

The aforementioned Puppy Paintings have reached their destination with good feedback.  I have added the Art Of  Framing blogsite on my list of links here.  I think there is an art to framing, too!

OK,  it's later:
Well this isn't exactly what I wanted to do, I tried to put really cool lettering on it, botched it and covered it over.  So now I am trying to put it on by pixlr but not getting the full effect of what I am wanting...

BUT, the up-side is, with pixlr I can do different versions.  Either one works, I guess.

The art room has about two more inches of room in it, now that I dragged everything out and put most back in.  Sometimes I wish I would just pick something I like to do and stick with it, so I could get rid of some of the stuff in there.
But then I get bored and want to try something different.  Like make some jewelry, so I get out the beads.  Or make a new silk arrangement because I am tired of the old one. Or like today,  I am making little books out of recycled materials.  Why?  Beats me.  Just felt the need to do it.  One of my many thoughts running around in my head and had to do.
Well, that concludes my weekend.  Have a great week, folks!


  1. Oh I like your sunshiney faces and I've started to use old children's board books as art journals.

    1. thank you and I cant wait to see your journals!


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